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Player Profile

Name:Arvin Age:14
Date Of Birth:03/06/1995
Occupation:Student At Anderson Sec
Description:Just A Guy Who Is Super Bored N Has Resulted In Bloggin
Player Likes

My Family
2/5 ppl
Gerrard and Liverpool(DUH)
Psp(awaiting it's resurrection)


Aaron | Hazel | Iylia | Class Blog | Wyatt | My Bro | Class Blog | Bella | Yun Ting | Amirah |


To Hazel Who Helped Me Alot To Set-up This Blog
And To My Beloved Ones

Music Station

Whatever You Like - T.I.

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November 2008
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009

We lost.Well,In my opinion,neither team deserved to win or lose.

6 minutes per half.Too short to make any much of an impact.The

match was neutral except for an instant when the ball rattled the

crossbar.I was too nervous.Very very nervous.I became very tired

cause of this.I had a glorious oppurtunity in the last minute

but it was snatched away by the whistle.We lost penalties.I

have to praise Jen for the accurate spot kick but i flopped it.

But in the end, we lost.Although there was some controversy about

one penalty,we still lost.Congrats 2/3.I do not want to be a sour

grape,but I really think we should have won.JQ and I were really

lightning stricken.BUT we recuperated soon enough.
Thanks to ALL

2/5ers.i love you guys.It started with us camwhoring(not sure if

thats how u use it).My new specs made it long awaited debut.LOL.

I did not get any negative comments so I'm not so shy anymore.Then

we(Serina,Hazel,Iylia,Zab,Aaron,Alvin,Grace,Wyatt and Amelia)

disturbed Jen and JQ.And after that,I had a war with hazel.She was

pwned big time and she called in reinforcements in the form of

Stephanie.But still no hope.I won by leaps and hounds.Wait a min.

The joy didnt start here.It started when we(Serina,Hazel,Iylia
,Zab,Aaron,JQ,Jen,Wyatt and me!) ate at macs and when we walked to

the stadium.The girls were really cocky and the guys just played along.

I think Wyatt's a really nice person.I shouldnt have said all those

stuff in my blog.I'm sorry.Overall I think it was nice day even though

we lost.But hey!Who cares abt that when u have such wonderfull friends

who can transform your day

Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 3:46 AM

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Yesterday was a day full of splendid occurences..It all began with the start of the sports carnival games.Most obviously,I was put in soccer.My team's first match was against 2/8.I wasn't that bothered cause they had no girls which meant that they had to play with women(or men i dunno) disadvantage.We won 3-2.Jun Quan stole the show.A well deserved hat-trick.I had a couple of shots but there was no threat.My stamina is lyk fried shit.I was lyk super tired even before half time la(I'm not sure if there WAS a half time cause we didnt change sides.lol)Leadin 3-0,yet 2/8 lyk tried to comeback.They scored 2 goals and they could've have scored more.Most chances were squandered.We won eventually.High spirits.Take that amelia!She kept saying we couldn't beat 2/8.2/8 were unhappy/sour grape-ish.I decided not to involve myself with them.Dun wan needless probz.
I bought a drink and was watchin 2/5 playin pushball with 2/2.those in 2/5 were struggling and 2/2 had huge ppl.But 2/5 held on.Then they asked me and afiq to sub in for them.Why not?It looks fun.So i try lor.But i realised it was harder than it looks.The first time I pushed the ball,I rebounded like a some weightless shit.I kept pushin.Wah tirin siahl.Like wanna die you noe.But i just kept pushin and pushin lyk some pregnant lady about to give birth.then the most luckiest and tyco-est thing happened.SOMEHOW the ball flew up and i ran and pushed the ball since no one else was there and managed to score.PURE LUCK!I tot we had equalised or sumthing so i subbed off for jaymond but in the end i realised we lost 2-1.
nvm.soccer is still in our hands.i spectated tug o war.We won 2/4 but lost to 2/7.2/5 got thrashed 11-1 by 2/4.The bitter rivalry(i have no idea why) still goes on.So all hopes were heaped onto soccer.2/4 won 2/2,1-0, which meant we were goin to versus them.After seeing 2/3 somewhat beat 2-7,we proceeded to OUR(it was literally ours) semi-finals.
This game was much more relaxed and easier. BUt yet we conceded first thanks to a flop by Yi Da.I was scared that 2/4 would cause an upset.No way man.I netted my first and celebrated at the corner flag.Jun Quan scored to hand us the lead.Half time.Ying off,Afiq on.The second half was pretty much the same.Afiq made alot of solo runs which he could have passed.i guess everyone wants to score.Next Jason scored an stupendous own goal for 2/4.Deliberate or not,a simple backpass was made into a spectacular goal.lol.OWNAGE.I scored again,this time afiq's solo run ended with a pass thorough the legs of some person.ownism.i was ectastic.the final is ours to win in 8 days.Every single player in our team played well.i didnt expect it at all.hopefully we'll play the same next week.
I stayed back to watch 2/3's semi-final against 2/6.Once again there weren't as promising as they tot to be.They managed a slender 1-0 win.A blunder from the keeper caused the goal.END.2/3 vs 2/5 in the finals.A rivalry which hasn't been settled in at least a year.8 more days.I won't speak too much.I'll just show with my actions.8 more days.Just 8 more days...If we win,it'll be my third consecutive class championship.lol.BRING IT ON PPL.BRING IT ON

Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 11:36 PM

Monday, May 18, 2009

What does it mean to have a relationship now?Is it to shower someone with love or is it to be showered with love by someone?Is it to gain popularity or is it the pure love you have for the person?Is it to be flattered or to flatter?Is it to behave intimately or is it just plain love? Such questions depict the utter meaning of having a relationship now, at this age.Most obviously no one enters a a young,teenagerly relationship expecting it to last till marriage or even after secondary school,when both thread seperate paths. So why? Even I am unable to answer.To fulfill your heart's desire? Maybe. To get that feeling that tingles your heart whenever that person is nearby? True,but it doesn't last long. I have not realised until now,cause i'm making an attempt to have an attractive blog. Now i understand when they say MYSTERIES of life

Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 7:19 AM

To those who are,astonishingly,still reading my blog. A few updates before I begin to blog about something significant.
I have gotten a new phone.WOOOHOOO!!!!! Its was zero dollars. Which is the obvious result of me getting my phone.Another good news is that I have line now and I have unlimited smses.Wait.There's more.
I made my new spectacles which is much better-looking than my previous ones.Yeap,the one i didn't wear to school at all.
I was supposed to celebrate Amelia's birthday together with the rest of my classmates.But since I had to go collect my phone,I was late.Super late i think.Jen,Serina,Hazel,Amelia and Iylia were eating ice cream at mac.Then, Zab,Yi Da,Alvin,Aaron and Quan came and we went to play soccer.Then I went home.
I've been getting more and more addicted to the computer lately.Literally sitting down staring at the screen,my hands constantly at work on the keyboard and the mouse.

Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 6:16 AM

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dear You Know Who You Are,
I am really agitated by your actions of late.I realise that to you,every girl I lay my eyes upon at is my crush. You seem to know everyone I have a relationship with and you use it as a weapon to attack me.Pointless,I may say. Teasing me with a girl is harmless but doing it in every single conversation you have with me,now thats unpleasant.Its been more 6 months that you have been doing this.The irritation has accumulated and resulted in this letter.I deeply feel that being known by many people in the school does not mean that people do not dislike you.I advice that you reflect upon your actions and act quickly before its too late.So what if I'm a playboy?It does not concern you in anyway whatsoever.If you want to strike a conversation with me,please exclude any of the unpleasant things i mentioned above and it will all fall in place.It was with great hesistance that I wrote this letter.Not forgetting,it took me a Herculean effort to convey this letter politely.I apologise for any tone of disturbance potrayed in this letter/

Yours truly,

Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 3:20 AM

HEY PPL!sry for not blogging for so long,if it matters.
I was lazy siahl.lazy to think and to reflect on my life.
But i realise i have to keep u entertained.LOL

Life's been great so far.I think Megan Fox is hot.(Code Name,this time i'm gonna make it indecipherable)The Dawn Of New Yet Familiar Era has begun.
Revision for examinations is going smoothly.
I'm improving drastically in mathematics,speed wise and solving wise.
I think the reason behind this is Mdm Hee's D.I.Y sessions.There are really very essential.(Time to change colour)
I seriously think Mr You Know Who's(I am not mentioning the name due to privacy) emotional burst during EFL last week was harsh.
Well there are reasons to support his actions but its still unacceptable.
He could have damaged the microphone.
But i presume that he was greatly disturbed by the fact that no one respects him and moreover,its always a huge calamity during EFL.
But screaming into the microphone just speaks about how he is unable to control his emotions or how much the anger has accumulated to.
Arrgh!There was so many thing i wanted to blog about that I forgot. OH YA.
I thought Sharvin would stop whatever he is doing after Santhia had told him off.
But I just realised today that he has continued to do so.
Poor Santhia.
What a pity!
Laugh out loud.
I finally discovered the secret to success in Restaurant City.
Well now people will watch for me.
I'm coming.I've already brushed past Grace.
Finally,I shall talk about X-Men:The Next Generation.
No,it is not another low grossing movie.
Its a fantasy thing that I and Aaron came up with during.
I'm Wolarvin.
As the name suggests,I'm Wolverine.
Many other people have been mutanised(HAHA!) but only the guys(excluding jaymond and wyatt) take part in the childish fights.
I will constantly patrol the class with three pens positioned in the gaps located between my index and pinky fingers.
Its extremely immature.
But it does not matter if it helps you to have fun.
Now i realise why i hated to blog.
Its takes up so much time and I have to attend tuition now.
Moreover I need to revise geography later.
Sweet Lord please aid me.
Thank You!
BYe Guys!

Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 2:35 AM