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Player Profile

Name:Arvin Age:14
Date Of Birth:03/06/1995
Occupation:Student At Anderson Sec
Description:Just A Guy Who Is Super Bored N Has Resulted In Bloggin
Player Likes

My Family
2/5 ppl
Gerrard and Liverpool(DUH)
Psp(awaiting it's resurrection)


Aaron | Hazel | Iylia | Class Blog | Wyatt | My Bro | Class Blog | Bella | Yun Ting | Amirah |


To Hazel Who Helped Me Alot To Set-up This Blog
And To My Beloved Ones

Music Station

Whatever You Like - T.I.

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November 2008
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009

this weekend has dawned.a new era for me.a personal one.jessica alba has finally returned.lol.lets talk bout the 1/3 girl. she sparked some controversy in my long dead cbox.but it didnt last long. i wasnt making anything obvious.i just said i wasn't interested.end of story. it is obvious.i'm not making anything unobvious. enough of that.boring stuff.
life's been eventful lately. more and more people are joinin RC.i'm becomin slightly better in dota.ooo ya.my cousin and my sister fought.verbally not phyically.it was fiery.i dont noe who is in the wrong. cause when my sister talked to me before the fight, i tot she was right.but when my cousin talked to me before the fight, i tot he was right.so when they argued,i was silent. my sister cried.badly. it made me sad. i hadnt seen her cry like that for years.even if she was wrong,it isnt right for my cousin to make her cry lyk that. as a brother,i'd be hurt. and now he comes into home(my house,he's stayin in it) and just lays on the bed,emoing.well i cant seem to sympathise.i was angry wif him for makin my sister cry. and i noe its not only my sister's fault. he shouldt have got pissed by just a minor issue.he doesnt respect my dad properly. as a daughter,my sister obviously wud have stood up for my dad. and he's living in somebody else's house(my house) and he has no appreciation or any sorta shit. i felt really fucked up on the day that fought. they used to be so close but now its just faint,distant memory. i wish things heal them naturally. PLS HELP ME GOD! LOVE 2/5....BYE!!!!!!!

Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 7:49 AM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hey ppl!Long time since i blogger. Lost the inspiration to do so.But i shall blog now.

I found out through out my friends that a sec 1 girl lyks/has a crush on me.Well i actually have no comments on it.Cause I just gotta say that I'm not interested.I'm not intending to be mean or anything.If you're reading this,I'm sorry.I guess you should just wait and let the crush fade away.

Okay.Enough of the Sentimence.LOL.Just Joking.I know its a bit too late but i shall blog about the movie outing we had last last week.I and Zab and Iylia and Serina went to watch Knowing.The outing was planned on the day before.Jen was supposed to come but last minute her parents don't allow.I treated iylia cause she had not money to come and if she didnt come,serina wont come and i would end up watching the movie alone with Zab which would be just toooo weird.

Restaurant City's taking over 2/5.The Founders are Me,Hazel and Grace.Now our new recruits are Zab,Quan,Iylia(She gave up),Serina,Wyatt and Jaymond(Yes,I'm not lyin).We'll continue to spread the word and recruit more ppl.Grace/Hazel(Cant remember who said it) says that RC will unite our class.Maybe it will.Oh which reminds me.Iylia did an EXCELLENT job in getting the class tee things settled.i didnt think it wud've been settled.She's superwoman.


Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 2:52 AM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"What we learned is only the size of our palms,What we have yet to learn is the size of the earth".This is a famous saying by Thiruvalluvar.I know you guys will be like, "who the shit is he?"I shall give you his brief history
Thiruvalluvar is indian(DUH) and he wrote the Thirukkural.
The Thirukkural consists of 1330 sayings that teach us to live a life that worthy blah blah blah,u get the point.
They are 133 catogeries and 10 sayings under each one.Each saying has 7 words.
Okay back to the nice part.Everyday we learn something new.Never can a day pass without your knowledge of the world growing slightly.Regardless of academic wise or sports wise or life wise,we always learn something. So each day we are smarter then we were yesterday and stupider than we are gonna be the next day.I know this post is heading nowhere but i wanna make a resolution that everyday i'm gonna blog about what've learnt on that day. that'll maybe help me to blog more too.i guess.just a superficial anticipation.
i have no time to blog nowadays.maybe its cause my ban from the computer is being enforced more strictly,but nvm,i'll manage.anyways,nobody's a fan of my blog wat so it doesn't matter.lol.maybe there is.haha.BYEEEEE

Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 5:34 AM

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Well Done.It Doesn't Matter Whether You Have Lost.What Matters Is That Your Name's In History,

The Volleyball C girls progressed into the finals.The first time in Anderson volleyball history in any division,regardless of male or female.They were up against Cedar girls.To Cedar,being in the finals is no once in a blue moon.The C girls had already beat Cedar previously in the tournament.But now it was different.It was the finals.Cedar had a giant reputation for cheering their team to victory. Anderson was allocated 600 seats at the yio chu kang stadium.The principal decided to send the whole lower sec students for the match.The students marched to the yck stadium,along with teachers and the principal.2/4 and 2/5 did not attend the match due to CIP.The match ended.Anderson was beaten 3 sets to 1.I was told that the principal came back to school with a face blacker than night.Students were disappointed.But ultimately,i don't blame the c girls.

It was the first time the C girls played in front of a non-volleyball anderson crowd.Expectations were set high for them.Although i may not have been there, i know that the pressure would have been unbearable.Close to 600 students,including teacher and even the principal,looking at you playing. It'll be impossible to focused on the game. What will happen if we lose?It'll be so embarrassing.Almost the whole school comes and we let them down.Such thoughts would be racing through their mind.Too much.They lost.Nothing Would be able to pacify them for a few weeks.It'll take time to recover.But I don't care if they have lost. they have not let the school down. Anderson's volleyball was below average.Hopeless.But they brought it to national level.Brought it to the highest possible stage.They're now in history.They'll be role models.7th April 2009.The day Anderson reached its first ever finals.And the day it won its first ever medal in the national stage.They Lost?Nahh..in Anderson, they have won an oscar

Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 10:20 PM

Hey..I think i have a lot of things to blog abt today
i injured my knee yesterday.it was alr kinda injured but i made it worse.BUT Yesterday's cip(community improvement project) was super fun.we went to st theresa's home.stupid classmates made me sit beside amelia.we reached the place very late because the driver didnt noe how to get there.my form teacher(mdm hee) had alr split the class into 4 groups,each given something to do. i was supposed to interact with the grandmas and grandpas.But the person in charge at the home split us into different groups.so instead of interacting with the old folks,we were told to pack books into boxes.and we could take any book that we wanted.those in my group were hazel,iylia,wyatt,grace,jen,serina and zab.So we led into a dark,spooky place where the library was.it was the size of lyk 2 small rooms.work begun.it was fun.the titles of books were randomly read out by everyone.i realised that serina was super strong.i mean for a girl,she carried a box all by herself.i helped wyatt collect sweet valley high books .
Fishy Fishy In The Brook,
Father Caught It
(credit to grace) With A Hook,
Mother Fried It In A Pan,
Baby Ate It Like A Man.

Mdm Hee came and took pics of us.she took a pic of grace and me.i gave grace some random book to pose with.hehe.Wasted i didnt have a camera to camwhore.was supposed to take a pic with hazel but i was too dark in the pic.LOL.we forgot to take it in the light.Suddenly a lizard jumped on the shelf,Iylia screamed,everyone else freaked out.the lizard was quite big.but it disappeared soon enough.and the fun came to an end.its was time to go. we were lyk only there for 45 mins.but it was fun.we rushed back to where the bus was.the rest has alr gathered to take a pic. i didnt have time to find a nice position to pose.i think i was blocked my zab.damn him.

Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 9:40 PM

Monday, April 6, 2009

I shall summarise my day(chronographically)using a timeline .














10.10.Found A New Form Of Jocularity(fun)...
thanks hazel!





3.10.Break Fast

3.30.Computer Lab
4.40.Parting With Such A Lovely Environment
5.20 Mass Rapid Transit
6.00 Home Sweet Home


Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 3:23 AM