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Player Profile

Name:Arvin Age:14
Date Of Birth:03/06/1995
Occupation:Student At Anderson Sec
Description:Just A Guy Who Is Super Bored N Has Resulted In Bloggin
Player Likes

My Family
2/5 ppl
Gerrard and Liverpool(DUH)
Psp(awaiting it's resurrection)


Aaron | Hazel | Iylia | Class Blog | Wyatt | My Bro | Class Blog | Bella | Yun Ting | Amirah |


To Hazel Who Helped Me Alot To Set-up This Blog
And To My Beloved Ones

Music Station

Whatever You Like - T.I.

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November 2008
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

31st March 2009

Slept at 12 last night after wishing my sister. ITS HER BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS!!!!!!THOUGH WE HAVE SPENT THE 1ST HALF OF OUR LIVES TRYING TO RIP EACH OTHER APART,I'M GLAD THAT THE 2ND HALF IS THE PART WHEN WE ARE NEVER APART.I LOVE YOU!!!!!! (I just learned how to change the font colour) Its so cool lah.Now my blog isn't that boring anymore.i shall now revert back to the topic Science was kinda fun today. Mr Lim is getting lamer and lamer and lamer.Lyk wth la. Aaron was using the keyboard to play like an imaginary guitar.And Mr Lame comes and tells him to stop playing and use his ribcage to play lyk a guitar.WTF!!!!!! Then he walks away while slapping his butt or back thigh,whichever it is. P.E was quite eventful for me.Hahaz.I got to do a demonstration for my class cause i was the only volleyball player.I was afraid that i would make a mistake. Cause i alr had a low reputation as i was a reserve. But i got through safely.But the rules for the game at the end was retard. Recess moved one.I didnt fast today. i shall compensate on the coming sunday.Maths was OKAy la. Still boring. I HANDED UP MY MATHS HOMEWORK. its not much of an achievement to u,but it is to me.after that was art. sleepiness was starting to overcome me.not for long. after art i went to the canteen,since we had an excuse letter for volleyball. then i ate from 3 different shops.LOL.snack attack,noodles something(cant remember) and the fruits stall. i tot the reserves were going to play the match cause despite the result,we were still out of the tournament. But none of that fantasy happened. But from today henceforth,I'm a B boy. Simply someone who plays in the B division. okays.thats abt enough.Nobody lyks an lenghty blog.Cya.gtg for dinner/celebration for my sis's birthday. B Y E

Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 2:48 AM

Hey guys....i think nobody's reading my blog cause they are lyk no comments on the tagboard:( But nevertheless i shall push forward and be undeterred

Turns out Mrs Cosgrove did not scold Miranda at all.Instead,she called up Miley Cyrus(she told Mrs Cosgrove that she and Miranda were going to have lunch at AMK Hub) and said sternly,"You better not go out with my daughter anymore..blah blah blah".So Miley gets angry and badmouths Mrs Cosgrove to Miranda. And Miranda gets angry because Mrs Cosgrove is her mother.But they both don't have any kind of tiff or anything. Oh by the way,Miley and Miranda are best friends.MnM.LOLZ
So the moral of the story is,you should be ready to take any sort of blame for your friend and not get angry.If not there's no use of being best friends. The term "best" means that you are friends that are a class above the rest. Although Mrs Cosgrove shouldnt have scolded Milet,she was only fulfilling her duty as a mother. Being that Miranda goes out once every economical recession, Mrs Cosgrove obviously would not blame her daughter for coming late as she does not usually do so.Moreover,Mrs Cosgrove MIGHT have figured out that Miranda was lying and scolded Miley and given her daughter a chance OR Mrs Cosgrove simply thought that Miley was a bad influence.I reckon that this will be the end to the 3-day-long Miranda Cosgrove saga.I shall keep you updated if anything else happens.

Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 2:21 AM

Sunday, March 29, 2009

As youths of an irresponsible generation, we tend to be unable to prioritize. To us, fun, love, entertainment and popularity are usually the top priorities. We don't care about our studies. We fail to understand its significance. We worship the desires in our heart and are unguided in our individual paths of life. Due to the lack of finances, both of the parents in a household go to work. Thus , we are not properly taught what to do. We are unable to discern what’s important from what’s not. Studying , to us is just a burden everybody has to go through in life. We are more drowned in the company and love of our friends. And even the most devoted nerds will soon realise that they are missing out on the fun in life. So no matter how many motivational talks or workshops you put us through, the motivation only lasts for a short period and after that we return back to where we were. If we are not nurtured from young to succeed in life, we will never get hold of the inspiration for life.

Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 1:20 AM

Saturday, March 28, 2009

To those who have realised that my blog has been resurrected...
today was quite enjoyable.i went to catch a movie at orchard wif my friends. the movie is unborn.it was a typical and predictable horror movie la.first she kena haunted la then the mystery of the ghost unveils,then she goes to a pastor then exorcism then the movie ends with an ending that very much started the movie in the first place.its lyk makin us anticipate a part 2. after the movie we went to eat at burger king and miranda cozgrove's(i wanna use secret identities) mother started calling and askin where she was. since her mother didnt let miranda watch movies,miranda lied to her mother that she was goin to have lunch at amk hub.which is super far from orchard.so miranda makes up lies and the rest help her to improvise.in the end the lies all have little connection in terms of time and possibility.so,according to miranda, mrs cosgrove will not allow her to go out anymore and will lecture alot and she can only go out if she does well during SA1. this really caused me to pity her. why does her mum not have any trust in her? i mean she doesnt go out all the time. or issit cause of miranda's bro, who keeps sabotaging her. where's the cohesion in the siblings? i used to fight with my sister regularly but now its totally different.we are much united.i help my sister and she helps me like a great big family(yay it rhymes).moreover, miranda and i are the same age and her bro and my sis are the same age too.miranda keeps complainin that she's gonna die blah blah blah.i told her"at the end of the day,we all had fun.its worth it.we dont go out as a group of friends all the time.so we have to sacrifice it.its just a lecture.mrs cosgrove has no record of hittin miranda,so why be afraid?" devastatingly, there is no premier league matches today nor tmr.so i have to wait an agonisin 7 days to watch my team play.

Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 5:33 AM

Friday, March 27, 2009

As you can see,the end of my psp has unfortunately arrived.The LCD screen cracked when i carelessly dropped it on the floor.I am deeply saddened.I have been using it since the end of PSLE,approximately 16 months ago. Since then it has never failed to entertain me.Although there WERE short periods of time when it was boring,but it was the only thing that stood beside me when i was banned from the computer during weekdays.It beautified my routine trips to and from home. It gave life to my mundane study times by acting as a mp3.It served as a platform to use the internet(MSN) when i was unable to.But its now all just a recent memory.It took just a moment of folly to snatch away my prized asset. I cannot envisage how life is gonna go on for me from now on. Already my results and punishments have dealt a huge blow. I guess i should just progress without it.....


Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 2:39 AM

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Well i'm back to writing blogs.... i guess i really nitta express my feelings more often.life's going on the usual.we jus got knocked out of the volleyball nationals today.which means no training till a very very long time.my grades sucked for CA1 which means i get alot of privilleges taken out of ma life.one of them which is watching matches in the early morning.the feeling of watchin matches in the early morning is awesome.and especially if ur team wins,u'll have a very optimistic view of the day ahead.but sadly,if ur team loses, u get disturbed by everyone else.however its doesnt last long and the day goes on as it is supposed to.i guess i'll write more another day.outta ideas.well this is just an re-introduction to my blog.BYE

Even when the sky come crumbling down,i will always be there for you~** 2:05 AM